
Fixing Problems in Expose Image Gallery

Exposé Gallery is pretty old at this stage but I still find it by far the easiest gallery component for an end user to use. It’s far easier for end users to create galleries and upload batches of images.

But it is more dependant on server settings than most other components because it is basically a bridge to a standalone gallery system. Today I came across a few problems on a very old site. Checking Components | Exposé Gallery | System Check showed the following:

  1. Register Globals was set to On!!!!!!! Yes, I know, that’s a cardinal sin.
  2. The Session Save path was blank. Exposé will not function correctly without this.

Solution, thanks to Apache we can use a htaccess to fix this. Just create a .htaccess in your webroot if you don’t have one or open your current one and add the following

php_value register_globals Off

php_value session.save_path ‘/tmp’

Save and upload. Check that the gallery is now working.


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